Sunday 12 June 2022

Boot sale and this and that!

It was busy at the boot sale this morning and we had longer to wait for our breakfast sandwich. The place we go to is changing hands and the new people were trying to get to grips with it. The previous people had been running it a long time and were pretty efficient. So, we started looking round later and there were a lot of stalls so we finished later too and I have to admit I was flagging! Got some bargains though, a couple of nice new picture frames for a pound each and some lovely notecards by a wildlife photographer for 10p each.
Also got a good copy of an Ann Cleeves book for £1 and it is the first one in the latest series she is writing about a different detective. I have a lot of book lined up at the moment! Also some little slippers, like the slipper socks but not socks if you see what I mean.
I also got a modern easel that collapses into a reasonably small carrying case, but can’t be bothered to set it up now. When I do I will take a photo!
I spent a while put in the garden tying up some plants that needed supporting and a bit of edging and hoeing also cut back some brambles that were overhanging in the walled garden.
Then I sewed together the four rows of squares I had ready and attached them to the ‘material’ already made.covers the top of the bed now!
I worked out that five more rows should get me to the length I need, so another fifty squares to piece together. Before I got dinner I laid then out and have now labelled them ready for sewing!
A wood pigeon was on the water feature in the walled garden and then moved to one of the chairs, took this through the laundry room window. I wish they wouldn’t get in there as they are not very quick and we have had a couple of damaged ones, luckily the cats were in at the time.
My hand has been particularly bad today which is annoying to say the least, but I have still managed to get quite a bit done.
Time to make a cuppa now!


  1. You were out booting a lot longer today so I’m not surprised you were a bit weary. Some good bargains though, so we’ll worth going. You really are back into the reading nowadays. You have a few to keep you going for a while. The slippers are rather bright, but it doesn’t surprise me that you bought them 😊 The easel sounds better than a normal one as it should be easier to put up and take down. All you have to do is find time to use it in between gardening, sewing and reading!
    The material you are making is huge. Maybe you should just leave it as it is and use it as a bed cover 😊 I can’t wait to see these dungarees. You could wear them with the slippers!
    Annoying is a polite way of describing the hand! You do still manage to get as much done though. Not sure I would.
    Enjoy your cuppa.

    1. Not a bad day, a few bargains and a few jobs done. Going to get warmer this week so not great gardening weather.
      I wish I hadn’t had the bright idea of the dungarees, not sure what I was thinking, and not sure I am going to like them either, but I can garden in them if nothing else!

    2. You could always use the Peter Rabbit material to make a quilt for a VERY large baby 😂
