Monday 27 June 2022

Late to bed, early to rise!

I settled down to try and sleep a bit before midnight and after a troublesome hand night got up at five! Have been in danger of dropping off during the day! I decided to go for a walk to the front at about 7.45 and did walk a bit further than just to the drink hut! So some different shots of the sea!

In the eighth photo I love the way the ramps look like steps when the sun in in the right direction. I saw Angela on the way back and we had a chat. I have done some reading today, in fact ai finished the Michael Knaggs book. I enjoyed parts of it and the court read m scene was really well described, but it finished as it started with what seemed like an unrelated episode. It is a trilogy of books so I presume that somewhere in the second one it will become evident!
I did go out and do a bit of tidying up of the bed I was working on yesterday.we actually had a fairly heavy shower while I was out so I stood under the bay tree and did some pruning under there! You can’t really see the rain,but the back f the bed is tidy now!
Off to see David and Sarah this evening, hoping I don’t mood off while I am talking to them! Then it is Sherwood which I will undoubtedly struggle to stay awake through…….😴


  1. Oh my, that was an early morning! I’m sure you’re very knackered now. I think a walk by the sea in the morning is a great thing to be able to do. I suppose when you live there full time it’s not such a big thing. Judging by the photos you did walk a lot further than usual. I thought the ramp was steps when I looked at the pic, but after I read your comment I went back for another look and could see it was the shadows cast by the railing. Very quiet down that end early in the morning.
    Are you going to get the other books by that author? Direct from him?
    Glad to hear you had a bit of rain, and it’s was only a bit from your description. Maybe it’ll throw it down before you need to water again.
    I’m looking forward to Sherwood. Hope you manage to stay awake, but there’s always catchup if you don’t.

  2. I am not sure about the book, I did quite enjoy it but a bit of a weird ending!
    It was good to have a slightly longer walk and get some different angle shots of the sea!
    Still awake at the moment, so fingers crossed!
