Saturday 25 June 2022


I caught the bus up to Freeport this morning and intended to walk home, downhill on the way back! I had a nice coffee and then decided to go into Bugtopia. I haven’t been there since before the Covid outbreak, not so many butterflies of stick insects but still lots of interesting bugs and animals. The photos pretty much speak for themselves, the first little fella was out on the path and nearly caught by a child, so it got into the water pretty sharply!

I even managed a very quick sketch!
I did walk home and after lunch did about an. Hour and a half of weeding in the front garden. Charlie from the bar next door brought me round a glass of ginger ale with ice in, which was appreciated as it was hot again today.
I did a bit of ironing before dinner and then Tina watered the tubs while I watered the bonsai trees. Noticed these fab caterpillars on a plant near the back door, obviously a bug day today!


  1. A mixed day for you today. A bit of good stuff, and some gardening 😊
    Bugtopia looks great. Quite a bit to look at and perfect for those of us that like to take pics. You have some great ones tonight. I particularly like the one of the turtle craning it’s neck to look at you while you take it’s picture. Almost posing. You are lucky to have some nice places like that to visit near to you. Can’t think of anything near here, apart from the scabby birds in the park 😊
    Nice of next door to bring you a cool drink. You need plenty of them on these hot days. The weather forecast sounded as if you might get a bit of rain at some point tomorrow 🤞🏻
    The last photo is my favourite. Those caterpillars are gorgeous. I wonder what they end up as?

  2. I did enjoy looking round Bugtopia, will be going again and maybe sketch for a bit longer, although is is tropical conditions in there!
    Bit of walking too and then some gardening so reasonably active. Bit achey now and feeling weary, but the heat doesn’t help.

  3. Ideal place to add more sketches to your “animal collection”. Thought the turtle was good.
