Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year

The hand made sure I was up at 6.15am. I had a cuppa in bed, had a shower and fed the birds with the garden light on as it was not quite daylight. Then I got ready and walked to the sea front to see if the sun was visibly rising without too much cloud. It wasn’t the most spectacular sunrise but lovely enough to make a very good start to the new year.

I thought I would try and do a bit of the jigsaw in daylight. I think it is pretty close to being impossible as almost half of the picture is off white to blue white. The amount of pieces out in the picture are probably not half of them!
Then Pandora decided to make it even more of a challenge!
I packed away the Christmas decorations, but did pack some into another charity bag.  After lunch I did go into the back garden for an hour. Decided to work on the bed in front of the summer house. Wrists are aching a bit now!

I have kept a couple of Christmas cards and have some on one side to answer, but the rest I have cut up to make tags for next year, in fact I even punched the holes.

I have wrapped a package ready to send and watching The wheel at the moment. Did put a couple more pieces in the jigsaw before tea. Will leave taking a photo until it looks like I have actually done some!


  1. You have been busy. Is it your intention to keep up the same pace throughout the year and clear away all those little jobs that mount up? If so then good luck with that. My resolutions usually last until I go to bed on the 1st 😊
    The sunrise was a great start to the year. Spectacular enough for me as I don’t have a vista like that to look out on to see it in its full glory.
    The jigsaw does look a total nightmare, but I’m sure you’ll keep at it until you master it. You’re definitely not a quitter. Although with Pandora’s help it could take even longer.
    Tags ready for next year, you put me to shame, and a lot of other people to I suspect.

    1. I have never succeeded with God intentions, won't call them resolutions, before, but a good start.
      Feeling weary, but the early mornings don't help!
      No boot sales this month. 😕
