Saturday 8 January 2022

Grey, wet day, more sorting!

Cold and wet this morning although it did brighten up if not get a lot warmer later in the day. I just went out early to post a card and get some pizzas for tea as the veggie ones didn’t arrive in the shopping delivery. Tina was put for the day today but Darren and I stayed indoors. I needed to go to the chemist when I was put as I wanted some more Deep Freeze gel as I have been using it at night and it does seem to help the knees. They didn’t have any today so got a Pain gone tube, it was over twice the price so hope it will be efficient.
I did use a Pain Gone device nice and didn’t get n too well with that.
I have bought a couple of books from Awesome Books who say they will never send a book to landfill. They do buy books to resell and I thought I would look into it. The website says they will collect but they actually only collect if you are selling over sixty items. They do buy music and media as well. They have free collection points and there seems to be one in Beverley at a convenience store. It is a great site, if you want reasonably priced books, post free, give them a try. There is also an Oxfam Book Shop in Beverley which welcomes donations, so I may decide on taking them there. So I have spent some time today going through the bookshelves! On a roll with this decluttering at the moment.
I did spend a bit of time on the jigsaw, but didn’t achieve much so gave up!
Darren and I may go and have breakfast tomorrow and if the weather is better I will try to go for a walk.


  1. It has been a miserable old day here too. Generally wet and wintery. You’ve done more than me though and been out the house, which I haven’t!
    Hope the gel works on the knee tonight. Twice the price should be twice as good…….in theory!
    Books shouldn’t go to landfill. It always seems such a waste when people do that. I checked out Awesome Books and they have some good books at reasonable prices, so may end up ordering something. Sounds like you’ll have two options when you take your unwanted books to Beverly, either way they’ll be put to good use.
    I can see you “decluttering” that jigsaw before too long 😊
    Enjoy your breakfast in the morning.

  2. Trouble with decluttering is that I always think there is something else I could sort out and end up not getting crafty, but time for that when I have nice clear surfaces! Will try to do a bit of walking tomorrow.
