Wednesday 26 January 2022

Morning sky and a walk on the trail

More pictures than chatter this evening. I slept reasonably well by my standards of late but am very weary again this evening. My right knee has been painful today but I still decided to go for a reasonable walk, albeit a pretty slow one today! Apart from that, a few chores and some emptying sacks of bird food in the greenhouse I haven’t done much else. So I will settle for morning pictures of the sky, followed by pictures from the walk. I did see the sea but it was much the same for usual so didn’t take any pics of it today.

I haven’t been long the trail for a while so it made a change. You always get to see dog walkers whatever the time of day. A few cyclists today as well.
We may go out to lunch tomorrow if Tina is feeling up to it, she is getting pretty tired by the end of the day as she eases back into work.


  1. It’s always nice to sleep a little better, but it still take a few days to catch up and stop yourself yawning. Hopefully you’ll get a few more.
    A beautiful start to the day with that red sky, and a nice sky for your walking pics too. It always looks such a pleasant walk in the nice weather and not having too many people around is even better. I really must get out for a walk myself.
    I hope Tina is feeling ok tomorrow so you can get out for some lunch. I know you always have a good laugh when you manage to get out together.

  2. It is a good start too see a beautiful sky first thing.
    It is a pleasant and fairly quiet walk along the trail, should make the effort more often.
