Tuesday 18 January 2022

A longer walk - for me!

I stayed home this morning, wanted to check Tina was okay and as we had a glut of milk I made a very large rice pudding!  Started trying to do a bit of the non water part of the jigsaw, even the rest of it is quite tricky! When I went out early to feed the birds the light was lovely and the moon was still up despite it almost being sunrise time. Very frosty, had trouble opening the greenhouse door.

After lunch I walked up to Freeport , had a drink and then walked back. Haven’t done both ways for a while, it is a bit over a mile, so not really that far, but longer than I have been walking of late. The sun was blinding on the way up, very low in the sky and I couldn’t see where I was walking a lot of the time. Usually checking for the ever present dog poo and a,one Polly’s Path I was worried that I might trip as I know there are roots and obstacles along the way and I couldn’t see the ground at all! Took a picture of the path on the way back and of the one leading up to the cemetery.

A picture of the church on my way home, as I said, it was a lovely clear day. Then one of a seagull on the tv aerial. They are always on the chimney pots but I haven’t seen one on the aerial before.

I wandered in and out to look at the jigsaw and spot s piece or two while I was getting dinner. Quicker that doing the water, but not that easy!
I sent for a word book which arrived today. I had thought they may be more obscure, but nevertheless it is great as with each word it give a sentence using it and also a bit about the origins of the word and it’s usage. Have only looked at a few and may come across some entries worth sharing as I go through it.
I have ordered an orthopaedic back rest cushion designed for sitting in bed as I intend trying to sleep using it, it can’t make my nights any worse! It may not help but definitely worth trying, and I sit up in bed when I get up early so will use it anyway.


  1. Bet there’s not much of the rice pudding left now 😊 I’ve not made one for a long time. It’s easier to open a tin when it’s just for one. Doesn’t taste the same though.
    Freeport is a fair walk there and back. Certainly a lot more that a lot of people do. When you add on all the steps you do around the house that boosts it up too. I don’t particularly like walking into the sun when it’s that low. I usually wear a baseball cap and pull it down to shade my eats a bit. Does help with poo spotting 😄
    I really like the pic of the church. Really nice light on it. Hope the aerial is strong, that’s a fair weight balanced on the end of it.
    There’s hardly any of the puzzle left, it’ll be done before long. When did you start it?
    The word book should be interesting. I can see a couple of words on there that I’ve never heard of.
    I hope the back rest proves to be helpful with the sleep. You certainly need something to make your nights a bit easier 🤞🏻

    1. I think the puzzle will be a few more days yet, unless I suddenly get the bit between my teeth! Must have been on the table for a couple of weeks now.
      It was a lovely day and not too cold out this afternoon considering how frosty it was.
