Tuesday 4 January 2022

Tooth, panic and jigsaw!

I didn’t mention yesterday that the tooth I had repaired a month ago fell apart again yesterday, the dentist had warned me that it may not hold. It isn’t hurting at the moment and I have an appointment for Friday, hopefully a longer one so they can refill the whole thing. I decided to go swimming this morning and try the new Fitbit out. I was by the sea by sunrise but will add the photos at the end today. The first time I went swimming for a while a couple of months ago I had worried that I wouldn’t make it to the other end and I am not happy out f my depth. Had the same thought today but this time breathed wrong, took in water and panicked, try to turn round to swim back a bit but was too stressed! A couple of ladies in the pool got me to the side and the bells were going! A couple of paramedics were at the side immediately making sure I was okay and I was guided along to where I could stand! After that I walked with another lady for a while in the learner pool, one of the guys came to check on me and said I should get straight back in the pool even if only while I could touch the bottom.I did but only did a few strokes as ai was feeling nervous, so went back to do a bit more walking. Had to go to reception to give my details on the way out and the same guy was lovely, told me to come back and they expected to see me in the pool again! I will, but not for a day or two!
I took another bag of stuff to the charity shop, getting to know them quite well in there! Also went to get something for lunch.
I have been trying to match up odd shaped pieces of the jigsaw, I can’t do it for too long and it is best in daylight as there is only slight variation in the colour. I will get it done, but this won’t be a quick fix!
Tina got a great and very personal gift from one of her church wardens.
This afternoon I went with Tina to Atwick church, she wanted me to take photographs of several unstable gravestones in the churchyard. I won’t post those pics but did take a couple of the church.

Will finish with more morning sea pictures!


  1. You’re not safe to be let out on your own! 😊 Well what a start to the day. They sound really nice people at the pool though and it great that they encouraged you to go back in. It’s horrid when you take in water like that! I’ve done it myself in the past and I dare bet most swimmers have. At least the day could only get better from then on 😊 Maybe a slow week should be on the cards, and don’t cross any major roads!
    The puzzle is coming on. Had Darren volunteered his help any more or has he seen sense and hidden himself away?
    Love the mat that Tina was given. That’s so nice. Shame to use it really.
    Looks like a beautiful day in the church pics and doesn’t look too bad in the sea pics either. Really like the last one .
    Hope tomorrow proves to be a better day for you.

    1. No, not a great start to the day, but it carried on okay afterwards!
      It has been a lovely day, but very cold, there was ice on the bird baths this morning,
      Will try not to have anymore mishaps this week!
