Wednesday 19 January 2022

More books donated

I managed to get a better picture of the moon when I was out feeding the birds this morning, it has been very bright for a few nights now,
I walked to the seafront ready to go to the leisure centre to do some water walking. I arrived just before the sun was rising. A few pictures, the last one was after I came out of the leisure centre.

I had a pile of larger books in the bedroom and it was awkward enough getting smaller ones into the shopping trolley. I got a small wheelie case at a boot sale a only time ago which unzipped, couldn’t remember if ai had kept it. Luckily I had and it was perfect, so loaded it up and caught the bus to 
Beverley again and dropped them off at the Oxfam Book Shop. The man asked if ai had phoned and arranged delivery, I hadn’t, but they like to know so they are not inundated. I will remember that if ai sort some more out!
I went and had lunch at the antique centre, but didn’t shop, then headed back to the bus station. Passed this gallery one the sway. This painting was quite striking and big, but at almost £2,500 pretty expensive!
The back support pillow arrived, quite a size. It came with a pillowcase that had a flimsy zip of about a foot long. Getting it into the case was a challenge!
Jane put a few more pieces into the jigsaw, still pretty slow progress……


  1. The moon pic is quite spooky. I like that.
    The sunrise looked a bit muted this morning, but I do like the last one. I really must move to the seaside!
    The little wheelie case looks perfect for the books. I think it’s a bit of a cheek for them to ask you to book in advance to give them books for FREE that they’ll sell for a PROFIT! Or maybe that’s just me 😊 But either way it’s a few more out of your way.
    £2500 for that pic! I think even I could have done that! I’ll stick with my classic “Poppies By The Garden Shed” by a once local artist 😊
    Squeezing that pillow through that tiny hole in the cover must have been a nightmare! I bet you cursed. I would think doing the jigsaw was easier than that 😊

  2. I liked the moon picture, may even get it printed.
    Good to have the books now maybe doing some good, rather than being a nuisance pile in my bedroom!
    I am amazed I didn't break the zip fighting to get the pillow into the xover
