Saturday 15 January 2022

Very Lazy Day

I haven’t been out at all today except to feed the birds early this morning. My knees have been aching a bit more so it is hard to decide whether I should keep on trying to walk regardless or have a day off or maybe two! 
Yesterday evening I decided to try and read the pamphlet and see about setting up a terrarium.m have the supplies and the plants I got when I did the other ones are starting to die off as they were just little starter plants. I have used some compost in these and tiny gravel, no moss as that is all outside in the garden planters. I did three in the end, two open and one closed. I was going to put the t on the teapot but it goes in quite a lot going was and you couldn’t really see the arrangement. 
The original two are still mostly alive but I have had them on a table where they do get some direct sunlight, and then when one was getting scorched I had it behind my chair where it wasn’t getting enough light! The only place where they can go n my sitting room is really the mantelpiece so this morning I moved everything around to see if they would fit happily on there. They look good up there and will get plenty of light but not direct sunlight.

Tina has been quite poorly today, but thankfully she seems a little better this evening. She is not taking the services tomorrow so can rest up and hopefully feel much better on Monday.
I have done a few chores but have spent quite a bit f time on the jigsaw today. I have managed to get some of the water areas connected, still a good way to go!
So, as I said, a lazy day, will endeavour to be a bit more active tomorrow, maybe!


  1. My vote is that you take a day or two off. I’m sure you could find plenty to occupy yourself at home and you’ll probably get as much exercise there going up and down the stairs!
    I think the terrariums look really nice on the mantelpiece. I hope they all grow well now you’ve got them positioned in the right light. I’ll be interested to see how they do. They’re all so different from the humble jar to the elegant teapot.
    Sorry to hear the Rev isn’t feeling so good again. Hopefully a day of rest tomorrow will do her good.
    The puzzle is definitely coming on. You’ve got a fair bit of the light bits done now. Not easy at all, but you’ll get there. You should have logged how long you spent on it each time just to see how many hours you’ll have put into it!
    Forget being active tomorrow. Breakfast at the cafe then lounge about 😄

  2. Have done a bit of pedalling to compensate for the lack of exercise.
    I hope the terrariums do well, time will tell.
