Wednesday 12 January 2022

More sky pics and of course jigsaw!

I was up at 5.30am again, a bit of a lie in would be nice! Once it was light enough to feels the birds did that job and then set off to the leisure centre. I was down by the sea in time for sunrise and looked like it would be good from the sight just after leaving home.
I was at the seafront before sunrise and the skies all round were already looking good.

Some more sky pics before I went into the leisure centre.

I went into the leisure centre and to the pool, but had no intention of trying to swim today. I walked in the training pool and occasionally venturing into the main pool when it was quiet for a full twenty minutes, then just floated a bit before getting out. Then another picture of the sky after I had stopped for a drink.
I have spent a good bit of time on the jigsaw today but when I was sitting up here for a bit the sun was catching the large glass butterfly that I made.
I phoned the surgery and amazingly got an appointment to see a doctor this afternoon. So another walk, and ai had cut it a bit fine for time so really paced it out by my standards, I was puffed out, really not very fit! Saw the doctor promptly and he was thorough, looked at my hand/wrist. He said that the scar tissue was very thick and probably pressing down on the nerve. He said it would probably take a few months and to take pills and use the splint if necessary. He prescribed  some cream and said to massage in into the scar several times a day. So, there is a problem and I am not being paranoid, and hopefully there will be some improvement eventually. They I went up to the sea again so a different pic and another on my way home.

My shadow was with me when I was puzzling, very inconveniently sat to start with and her ever moving tail did knock some pieces onto the floor. Another pic of how far it is going, still and awful lot of white/pale blue pieces to fit in,

A quiet evening now, feeling quite weary!


  1. Getting up that early is a real pain….literally, but it’s almost worth it to be able to see the lovely sunrises. Some lovely ones today as usual. I also really like the one you took on your way home from the doctor. I do like those streetlights. Yes I know I’m a saddo 😊
    Sounds like you’ve had way too much exercise for one day, or even two! But you’ve got stuff done so that’s good. You do seem to be getting into the routine of going to the pool each morning. Even if it’s just for the water walking it’s well worth it.
    Amazed you got in to see a doctor so easily! Fingers crossed his theory of it getting better as the scar softens proves to be right.
    With any puzzle, let alone that really complicated one I’d be loathe to have a cat sitting in the middle of it like that! You a way more mellow about your feline helpers than I would be 😄

  2. She really is a funny cat, just likes to be near me when I am doing the puzzle, a bit too near, but she is no problem really, just makes it a bit difficult to actually do any sometimes!
    I may not walk to the font tomorrow, we will see, won’t go to the pool though as a couple of times a week will do for now. There have been some good skies lately.
