Monday 24 January 2022

Bus into Hull

As I said yesterday, the desire to go to the pool has waned, for the time being anyway. Didn’t feel like hitting the road early either so decided to get the bus into Hull. Had nothing I needed but I walked to the Bonus Arena to get my bearings for when I go there to see Diversity. Not for a while yet, but looking forward to it already. When I got there I went into the amazing new food hall that has opened in what used to be a large department store. A massive area with all sorts of food and goodies and several eateries as well. I didn’t stay there today but will go and have another look round next time and maybe stop for a snack as well.

I walked to the Bonus Arena and it is actually quite easy to get to. Then I walked back and through the Prospect Centre and had lunch at the little 
Coffee House. Then I had a good wander round St Stephens shopping area. I still had a bit of time before the bus to I took a walk heading out of the town for a change,

I pass this building with the graffiti on the bus and often wonder how they got up to the higher areas!
This building is pretty eye catching, was on the way back to the bus station then.
The other day I heard a Ricky Nelson song in a shop and ordered a cd. Have been listening to that since I got home, bit of nostalgia! The wrist supports arrived too so I have had one on my left wrist for an hour or so now. It feels okay, but whether it actually helps I will only know after trying it for a while.
I am visiting Sarah and David this evening and then there is a new drama series starting on tv this evening, so that’s the rest of the day sorted!
Off to do that pottery painting with Bel tomorrow so that should be good.


  1. You’re never one to sit about 😊 Bet you’ve done a fair few steps today, and your trip out looked good. Good idea finding out where the concert venue is. I’d do exactly the same as I hate not knowing where I’m going. Pre preparedness is definitely the way to go. The new food hall looks good. My sort of place 😊 They do have some nice colourful buildings and structures in Hull. Not sure what the blue column and walls are, but they look nice.
    Hope the new wrist supports do a good job, they don’t look quite so cumbersome or dangerous like the splints!
    I’m looking forward to the new drama tonight too. Looks good from the previews.

  2. I enjoyed the trip to Hull, goi g to try and explore a bit more now.
    The support seems comforts ke enough, will be a bonus if it helps as well.
