Friday 7 January 2022

Thank goodness for a big table!

The weather started off a bit miserable today but it brightened and was sunny but chilly, a nice winter day. I went round to visit Bel who was on good form. She had started a jigsaw puzzle so I sat with her to help get the edges sorted before I made my way to the dentist. It was the same dentist I had seen before, she is not English and very jolly, we talked about her cat who’s she had mentioned when I saw her before.  She said nothing would stay fixed to my tooth, asked if it was sensitive, which it isn’t and then drilled the edges off to make it smooth, rubbed in some fluoride paste and said ‘enjoy your tooth’. I went to reception and there was no charge, that must be a first at a private dentists but I am not complaining. I think she feels that if it start to gives me trouble it will have to come out, so fingers crossed it stays okay for a while.
I have had a couple of sessions working on the jigsaw, I don’t try for too long at a time as it gets a bit frustrating. I have spread put a bit, because I can and that enables me to try and get different areas started.
I am sure some pieces are missing!
I did some ironing this afternoon, even bedding, the wrist managed quite well so no excuses now!
When I was staying at the abbey I bought this small modern calligraphy book at the Sainsbury’s and haven’t tried it at all, so thought I would open it up today.
There is just the one pen and there is no way that it can produce the thickness of lines that the illustrations show as it is very fine, and even with the different pressure I couldn’t really get the effect. I will try again and maybe try to get a medium rather that fine brush pen.
At least it has been used note and hasn’t joined the ‘I will have a go at that’ pile!
Haven’t walked quite so much today so will endeavour to get a longer walk in tomorrow, weather permitting.


  1. The weather was nice here and I didn’t make use of it. Unlike you I stayed in the flat all day doing other things. Sad really when it’s so nice. At least you make use of it most days.
    Very good news with the dentist. I suppose the tooth will eventually need to come out, but while it’s not given you a problem it’s ok. No charge either, as you say that doesn’t often happen! You’ll have to lay off the hard foods, and toffees. In fact it’ll probably be easier if you just stick with soup 😄
    You always think there are bits missing from jigsaws 😊 I bet you’ll get to the end, if you actually get to the end that is, and there’ll all be there.
    Ironing bedding, what a chore. I don’t bother as it only gets creased when you lay on it! I generally lay bedding out flat when it’s dry, flatten it out with my hands then fold it carefully. Does the job for me 😊
    I’ve tried calligraphy several times but never had much luck with it. But my handwriting is rubbish anyway, so I don’t stand much chance. You’ve done some great bits of calligraphy over the years.

  2. Getting quite pally with the ladies in the charity shop now, took another couple of bags in today. I think it is looking more organised in the bedroom!
    I love my new dentist, don't think they will keep her long though if she hands out freebies, however quick they are!
