Friday 31 December 2021

Goodbye for now Peterborough clan ☹️

This morning I decided to get a bit of work done in the front garden while waiting for the family to return as they had to be out of the accommodation by ten. I ended up working on one of the side beds at the front for about an hour and managed to cut back a lot of dead stuff, so it looks a bit tidier now.

When the family arrived Isobel wanted to see the sea again and pay another visit to the arcade, so the six of us went down to the sea front. A good spell in the arcade, I gave up first and took this picture of planks as I headed to the cafe!
Much better weather today.
A bit of a walk by the sea then, the tide was in and Anya, Louis and Isobel were enjoying the waves splashing but managed not to get wet.

Back at the house they had a cuppa and snack before heading off for home. They are safely back in Peterborough now.
It was very mild out today so I went and sat in the summer house for a while with a hot chocolate and my puzzle book. Will get tidying that back garden soon.

I had a jigsaw puzzle for Christmas, it will not be an easy one as a big area of pale blue, but it is a great picture. I managed to fine all the edge pieces but one, and have at least got that bit done.


  1. Shame the visit had to end, but they’ll be back again. The trouble is that time flies by when you’re enjoying yourself. It was better weather today, so perfect for a little bit of gardening. It certainly does make a difference spending a little time out there. Is that a cat I spy hiding in the second picture? 😊
    I walk to the sea is always good too, and arcades are perfect for teenagers. That does sound odd saying that, it’s hard to believe that Isobel is already a teenager!
    It looks really nice at the front today, perfect for the clans final trip out before going home.
    The view from the summerhouse is nice. You wouldn’t believe it was winter from that pic. Glad you can manage to make use of it though, and a hot chocolate makes it even better 😊
    Well, now you have got visitors to disturb your evenings the puzzle shouldn’t take you very long to do at all 😊

    1. ………or even not got visitors! I really should reread before I post!

  2. Hadn’t noticed that!
    Will try a bit of the puzzle in daylight tomorrow as the plain area will be quite difficult to see the different shades in artificial light.
    It has been really nice having the family around, hopefully I will get to Peterborough before too long and see everyone.
