Sunday 23 January 2022

A sketch for a change

My wrist was really bad this morning and I ended up using the compression glove for some of the day, so a good reason not to do anything to aggravate it! I have been keeping the Fitbit on at night, loosely, but wonder if that was the problem. I changed wrists and it has eased during the day, but the other wrist is no aching a bit, so I will stop wearing it at night for the time being and see if that makes a difference, I went with Darren to have breakfast at Lily’s Beach Cafe and I walked home after taking a couple of pictures of the sea. Quite overcast today and a grey outlook but not exactly dull or wintry.

I haven’t done a great deal for the rest of the day other than a few household chores and get dinner, but I did decide to do a sketch of the orchid that Tina was given while she was poorly. Haven’t had the watercolours out for a bit so it made a change.
Not sure if I will go to the pool tomorrow, I think I am getting over that particular urge!!
I will see if I can find an obscure word I haven’t used yet.

Hypozeuxis (n.): A rhetorical term in which every clause has its own independent subject and predicate. (I came, I saw, I conquered).


  1. I suppose it could be the Fitbit causing a problem with the wrist, but you’ll soon find out after a couple of nights without it.
    Glad you made it out for breakfast. Sunday breakfast is like a tradition in your house now 😊
    It’s be a dull day here, but not really cold until later on this afternoon. I’ve not ventured out though.
    I like the watercolour. Bet it only took you minutes to do. Envious, moi? 😄
    I hope you feel more like going to the pool tomorrow. The water walking should be doing some good. Well that’s what they say. But even if you don’t I’m sure you’ll still give the legs plenty of exercise.
    You should remember tonight’s obscure word, it’d be great for scrabble 😄

  2. The sketch took a bit longer than that, but not ages.
    Yes, z and x in one word is pretty good!
    Will probably go for a walk in the morning if I am not too tired.
