Friday 14 January 2022

Morning walk and bus to Beverley

I was up very early again so walked down to the sea to catch the sunrise but decided not to go to the pool. The photos are before sunrise and a few more as it was rising.

I walked home and got ready for Bel to come round for a chat and cuppa. I showed her the things we had painted at the pottery place and she was really keen to give it a try so we are going next Tuesday. Bel will be ninety this year I think and is picking me up as she still drives. She doesn’t paint but lace makes, knits and does amazing tapestry so quite a creative lady.
After lunch I got a bag of books into my shopping trolley and caught the bus into Beverley as there is an Oxfam Book Shop in the town. There is a general Oxfam shop as well. I have more books that I have sorted out but can only manage to take a certain amount in the trolley. I had a coffee in The Crafty Coffee Shop and they have painted the inside very attractively.
I took a couple of pictures of St Mary’s on my way back to the bus station.

I have played a little bit with the terrarium stuff this evening but will take a photo in daylight.
Looking forward to Death in Paradise this evening.


  1. I think it’s really nice to be able to walk down to the sea in the early morning just to see the sunrise. I know it’s nice to take pics, but just physically seeing it unhindered by buildings etc is lovely. Not so simple up the way.
    Bel does sound like a bit of a crafter, so she will love the pottery painting. I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to it too. I’ll look forward to seeing the finished results.
    Quite a varied day for you again with the bus ride to Beverly too. It’s a great way to get rid of your unwanted books. A lot of people would just dump them, such a shame.
    The coffee shop is lovely. A great bit of painting 😊
    I’m interested what you been doing with the terrarium. I’ll definitely look forward to seeing a pic of it tomorrow.
    I thought I’d done quite a variety of things today, but I think you beat me easily 😊

  2. Yes, a varied day and lovely weather as well.
    It was good to get the books into the Oxfam shop. Books don't do well at boot sales and probably do end up being dumped.
