Monday 31 January 2022

An evening with Boris!

Will start with an explanation of the heading, and a photo of Boris! Monday evening is when I visit Sarah and David and they are minding a friends dog this evening who just happens to be called Boris!
I had a bad night and this morning, after feeding cats and birds, making Tina a cuppa and having breakfast, I did the unheard of thing of going back to bed for a bit. I had an hour with Pandora on guard and then had a pretty easy morning.
After lunch I did go out into the garden for an hour or so, I needed to do something to lift my mood. I went out to do some cutting back, nothing too heavy, and I used the wrist supports I bought a couple f weeks ago and they were really good. The pampas grasses are in the bed in front of the summer house and needed cutting back, quite a jog with the large plant.
A fair amount of trimmings to clear up, cut back some other plants as well, the bed really isn’t too bad now.

Took a photo of the back bed as there are quite a lot of bulbs coming through.
When I was taking the trucks of stuff up to the garden bin I walked round the front garden and we do have some snowdrops appearing.
I managed to get Sarah onto WhatsApp on her new smart phone, she was quite chuffed when I phoned her on it and then sent her the picture of 
Third part of The Responder this evening.


  1. That Boris looks way cuter than the other Boris 😊 Not sure if that an affectionate or evil look! Sounds like your visit turned into a technical workshop. It’s becoming a habit.
    I think it’s good you went back to bed for an hour and I’m sure it did you good. You’ve got nothing spoiling so why not. Could become a habit. Your little bit of gardening made quite a difference. Not bad for an hour. Nice to see the bulbs springing up too. Are they the ones you tried to dig up and missed, or the ones you planted? 😊
    Hopefully you’ll have a bit better night tonight.
    Enjoy The Responder.

  2. A better day than I thought it would be.
    I enjoyed getting a bit done in the garden, may try and do a bit more tomorrow.
    Still making my mind up about The Responder but will continue.
