Monday 10 January 2022

Not the best of days!

I was up at five thirty this morning, so that set the day up for failure! Once it was light and I had fed cats and birds and check Tina was awake I set off for the pool. I have been putting it off since the incident last Tuesday. Took a photo of the sky on the way and a couple more before I went into the pool, that was a good bit of the day!

As I was going into the leisure centre I had a message from Tina saying I had left my keys in the door and she had them. That was unusual but I had let myself out and was just leaving when I remembered I needed my change purse, unlocked and nipped in and then shut the door and left! I asked her to leave the keys under the bench if she went out before I was home.
I started walking in the training pool which is above waist height so perfect for walking in the water. I did go into the pool couple of times and by the side swam a few strokes but could feel the panic and went back to the walking. I am wondering if I will actually regain the confidence, although walking is the water is recommended if you have arthritis.
Need not have worried about Tina going out, when I got home she was obviously not well and had cancelled all her appointments and even found cover for a funeral today. She did a test that was negative but she had symptoms and the tests aren’t 100% accurate. Hopefully she will feel a bit better tomorrow and all will be well, but I have gone to see David and Sarah this evening, just in case.
I have managed to get a little done to the jigsaw and have gone to desperate measures with the water pieces, not that the picture shows all of them!

This afternoon has been a bit frustrating and I haven’t been in the best of humours. I decided it was time to get back to trying to do some free motion on the quilt, the thread broke a few times, just as well I can still thread a needle! Then I had a message to say flowers I ordered for a friend to arrive on 
Saturday will be delivered tomorrow, I have mailed the company twice now and have just received auto responses!
So all in all not the best of days, hopefully I will sleep a bit better tonight and start the day more lively tomorrow!


  1. We’ll definitely not the best of days for you. A mega early start is never good and everything else seems to follow. On the bright side you got some nice sky pics this morning. I really love the third one.
    At least you decided to go back to the pool. A lot of people wouldn’t have bothered after the other day. I’m sure you’ll eventually get back to the swimming, but as you said the walking in the water is very good for you anyway.
    I think after the start to your day I’d have steered well clear of the jigsaw! It’s getting there though, albeit very slowly. With it all laid out like that I’d be worried that one of the cats would scatter it everywhere!
    That’s a real shame about the flowers. Not great service by the company, specially as you’re only getting automated replies! I’d be writing a strong letter to them regardless of whether it does any good or not. I’d also be leaving bad reviews for them wherever possible.
    I really hope you get a better night tonight and a fresh start tomorrow. 🤞🏻
    Hope the Rev feels a bit better tomorrow too.

    1. It didn’t help that I didn’t start the day in the best of moods. But tomorrow is another day and I am sure it will be a better one! The water areas of the jigsaw seem more impossible as time goes on, but I am not in the mood to throw in the towel yet!
