Thursday 20 January 2022

Mission accomplished and sepia effect photos!

Not a great deal to write about today, I have been plodding on with the jigsaw on and off during the day. Had a bit delivery of wild bird food supplies so did spend some time sorting out the greenhouse and emptying the sacks of food into containers. 
So, a picture of the completed jigsaw. It is a lovely picture but a real stinker to do, but I do like a challenge, most of the time!
I did go for a walk this afternoon, not too far, just thought I should keep up the walking and not let aches and pains and jigsaws put me off! I took a couple of photos in the park, they have turned out like sepia photographs of years ago. I know that sepia ink is good for sketching as well, not as harsh as the black.

Nice effect, wish I could say it was intentional!
Will find an obscure word or two to finish. The calendar with the words in that I was given for Christmas 2020 has been such a delight.

Meretricious (adj.) Having an attractive appearance, but being without actual value. Specious; spurious; perfidy.

Mulierosity (n.) A great fondness or admiration for women.


  1. Well you got the jigsaw completed a lot quicker than I thought you would, and certainly quicker than I’d have done it! It does look a really nice picture though. It’ll seem a shame to break it up after all that hard work. You could keep that one in case you fancy doing it again!
    Those pictures do look like old fashioned sepia toned ones. I particularly like the one with the church. I used to like changing black and white prints to sepia when I used to do proper old fashioned photography. Just a case of dipping a black and white pic in a chemical bath for a few seconds. Ahhh, the nostalgia 😊
    Blimey, I know one of the wards tonight. Meretricious. That doesn’t happen often. Didn’t know the other one though.

  2. Feeling quite tired this evening, and not just from lack of sleep, think it was all that concentrating on the jigsaw!
    I love to see the really old photos that were sepia, part of a bygone era.
