Thursday 6 January 2022

Amazing morning weather even with the icy air!

I decided against swimming after a rough night and I didn’t want any more panic moments. I did go out nevertheless as I wanted to get some customs forms as I had a package to send to America. So I went to the seafront via the post office, and although I was there a little later it was a great sky this morning with a lively sea.

I got the custom form onto the package and went back to the post office to get it sent before walking home via the park.

I did go out again to take another bag of stuff to the charity shop. I have managed to get a few more pieces into the jigsaw, but ai can’t sit looking at the pieces for too long. I got some bath goodies for Christmas and have not been able to get into the bath for a while due to stiff knee that I can’t kneel on and dodgy hands. I tried a dry run and couldn’t manage and then I had a brainwave, sort of!  The little stool fitted in the bath and I was able to sit on it and ease myself down, doing the reverse when I got out, carefully! I of course did have the phone at hand!
Then I got the sorting urge again and have been moving sets of drawers and emptying more containers, the bed is clear now!!
Visiting Bel in the morning and then off to the dentist to see if a more permanent fix can be sorted with the tooth.


  1. That is a great sea and sky. Lovely pics so well worth the trip there. You’re spoiled 😊 Plus you got to go to one of your favourite places, the post office. I think you single handedly keep Royal Mail going! Very frosty in the park. It was here this morning too. I had the sense to stay in though 😊
    I love the ingenuity with the bath. Although it might have been better to wait until you had someone else in the house. You and water haven’t been best buddies lately!
    I really don’t know where you get your energy from. Even with everything else you still want to sort stuff out. I could definitely do with some of your energy. Or maybe it’s just because I’m idle and you’re not 😁 And you already have two appointments lined up for tomorrow! I don’t know why I waste my time saying it, but take it easy.

  2. It really was stunning this morning, worth the effort.
    Have some more stuff sorted for the charity shop, it must make a difference soon!
