Friday 28 January 2022

Veggies, picture and knee!

Bel came round for a cuppa and chat this morning and we had a good old natter. She was telling me how tired she was when we got back from our painting session on Tuesday. While she was here my veggie box arrived. Lovely as usual and there were some cherry vine tomatoes as well.
At lunch time the man from the framing studio phoned to say the picture I was having framed was ready. It was a picture that has been in the shop for a long time, I have hankered after it for a couple of years now. Very pleased with how he has framed it.
The air turned blue this afternoon when I decided to move pictures around and get it hung! Impossibly hard walls and reaching behind the tv on the steps made it a challenge. Pandora gave me a very wide berth!
I ordered a different knee support and have worn it for a few hours today seems to be reasonable.
Enjoying a bit of tv this evening.


  1. Another varied day for you. Life never gets boring up north 😊
    I assume Bel enjoyed the painting session. Did you express a desire to go again, or is she waiting for the results of the first visit?
    Those veg boxes are so impressive. Out of all the times I’ve seen pics of them I’ve never once seen anything that looks in any way substandard. They really are worth having, and healthy too.
    The framed picture looks great. You waited a long time before taking the plunge, but I’m sure you’re really pleased you did now. It’s really unusual with it going over the mount like that. You should have waited and got Darren to sort the hanging out for you. But I know how stubborn, and handy with bare. Plus I bet you were gagging to get it hung in position 😊
    Hope the new knee support proves to be of some help. Sounds promising at the moment. Time will tell.
    TV with your feet up, and a cat of course sounds a good idea.

  2. I’m hopeless. I meant did SHE express a desire!

  3. Bel is waiting rose how it turns out, but she really enjoyed trying doing something different.
    I love the picture, and it is positioned where ai will look at it every day.
    Fingers crossed that the knee support proves helpful.
