Monday 17 January 2022

Early start and poorly vicar

I was up about six again so after a cuppa I got some clothes on and walked down to the post box outside the post office. Tina had done a covid test that had to be posted in a priority post box that also had the NHS logo. So I went early to make sure it caught the first collection. We are not really expecting it to be positive but the sooner the result is here the better.
A couple of very dark photos, the moon was bright but I was out before dawn.
I have stayed in today, kept an eye on Tina and had the phone to deal with any calls. I got Tina’s washing up to date as she has been unwell for a while now and their smalls drawers were looking bare! I opened the only window that opens, and that is after we managed to damage the wood! It was bright and sunny and we hang the clothes in that spare room so that allowed some air through. Pandora does like to explore on top of the porch roof!
I have spent a lot of time on the puzzle today, by lunch time I had this many ‘water’ pieces left!
By tea time the water part of the puzzle was done!
Not visiting Sarah and David this even and won’t be going to the pottery place with Bel in the morning. Don’t want there to be any chance of me passing someone on to a lady of nearly ninety!
Tina does seem a bit brighter this evening so fingers crossed she is over the worse of whatever it is.


  1. You were out early this morning! Bet you pretty much had the streets to yourself as most sensible people were still in bed. Hope the result comes back quickly and is negative. 🤞🏻
    Looks like you’ve kept yourself busy nursing, washing and puzzling. I was really surprised to see the water section of the jigsaw finished. I thought it would be a few days more at least. The rest of the puzzle will be a doddle in comparison. You’ll soon have it finished and be onto the next one!
    Shame you had to cancel the pottery painting with Bel, but it’s not worth the risk of passing anything on to her. She was very keen to do it, so maybe next week will prove to be better.
    I hope the Rev starts to pick up a bit tomorrow and get back to her normal self.

  2. I hope she is feeling much better too, really takea it out of you being so poorly.
    Maybe I will do some no water puzzle tomorrow, unless I get the call of the garden!
