Saturday 29 January 2022

Bit more active today

I went to the shop reasonably early for lunch supplies and a bit later, after the shopping had arrived I ended up walking along Newbegin a couple of times as I had gone out with out my debit card the first time! I have thought of trying CBD but thought that it wasn’t compatible with my blood pressure medication, but reading through all the info again it seemed okay.  That was reinforced by the man in the local shop that sells the capsules as he is on the same medication and has been taking them for some months. So I went back the second time to give them a try, a months supply so we will see how it goes. 
My knee wasn’t so painful today so despite the wind, which was pretty ferocious today, I thought I would try and walk up to Freeport and get the bus home. I took it steady and had a light lunch before coming home on the bus. I was the only passenger wine the bus set off then a man got n with his dog, who was so well behaved and had lovely face. Whe he had moved about he was good at untangling himself from the lead, it made the journey interesting!
I had been going to do some quilting this afternoon but my wrist was aching so although I got the machine ready and had changed the needle didn’t use it in the end as I didn’t want to aggravate the wrist.
Tina has organised an Icon Painting course to take place in the parish hall. I am interested and will be attending if there is space after church goers have had the chance to apply. It will be very limited numbers so I won’t know for a while if o have a place.
Darren is attending an archery competition at Burton Constable tomorrow so I will go along and have a walk round the grounds there. We will probably go to Lily’s for breakfast as well so it will be quite a full day.


  1. Fancy going out and forgetting your card. The limbs have packed up and now the brain is going!
    I have to give it to you, you are a trier. You never give up and one of these times one of the pills or exercises or supports will do the job 🤞🏻A lot of people would just give up and live in a chair, me included probably 😊
    Popping to Freeport for lunch always has a nice ring to it. I should try it myself occasionally. Maybe not Freeport as it’d be a long trek. The dog on the bus looks really cute. He’s looking at you thinking “why’s that strange woman pointing that at me”.
    The quilting is lovely, but those big ones really are a handful to spin around. Maybe you should consider some quilted hankies or table mats 😊
    The painting course sounds right up your street. I hope there is a place for you, and if there isn’t you should complain to the local vicar!
    Mmmmm Sunday breakfast, enjoy.

  2. It was good to have a reasonable walk today, I didn't really feel like it but if you give in to that feeling it is the thin end of the wedge!
    The course sounds interesting so fingers crossed.
