Tuesday 30 November 2021

Hello Hull!

Decided to catch the bus into Hull, no particular reason although I did need some toiletries and Tina had a couple of things she wanted. Very good adherence to the mask ruling on the buses and in town around the shops. The station was decked with lots of lovely remembrance artwork done in the local schools.

Christmas decks outside and inside St Stephens.

City Hall. Is always worth a picture.
A couple of photos near Princes Quay.

Great lampshades where I had lunch, very tasty lunch as well.

More Christmas before I caught the bus home.
I felt really tired walking round the city today, not sure how I am going to build the energy up again.
Had a phone call from the hospital earlier and am now gang to have the second hand operation next week!


  1. I know you like Hull, so a little trip there is always good. Glad to hear they’re doing their bit by wearing masks etc. I went into town and a lot of people in the shops and the shopping centres weren’t bothering. Shame.
    The poppy artwork looks really nice. Nice to see they’ve put some effort into it.
    Doesn’t look overly busy, but it is early in the week I suppose. Easier for you to do your shopping though.
    I like the lampshades in your lunch venue, bet they gather dust! Your lunch looks lovely. I could eat that myself, very nice.
    You’re bound to feel tired right now. It’s not that long since your operation and you’ve been forced to take it easy…ish. But looking on the bright side it’s really good you’re having the other one so soon. You’ll be able to get over them both at the same time. Having both of them sorted will hopefully make things a lot easier for you, and you should still be ready for Christmas. Win win 😊

  2. I did enjoy the trip out even if I was feeling old and decrepit!
    I do like Hull and I even quite enjoy the long bus rides which I never thought I would!
    More surgery so soon, but take the offer and get the ops out of the way!

  3. Looks fab the poached eggs look delicious too may have to try that xxxx
