Friday 12 November 2021

A room with a view and no internet!

Yesterday morning I moved all of my stuff out of the room I had been sleeping in as it had to be cleaned and got ready for Father George who was going to take over from me. I had a sitting room near the main entrance to leave my belongings in and for me to use during the day as I wasn’t expected to be collected until about five in the evening. I had been going to do the blog but the internet didn’t reach that room! Interesting view first thing.
I took a walk up to Sainsbury’s and had a cooed, there was a hint of Autumn around.
Before lunch I took a couple of photos in the dining room. The first one is the view from where I had my meals. The other one is the statue of Mary in an alcove in the original medieval wall.

Then Mark helped me get the nuns together for photos.

Mark bought me an orchid as a thank you which was unnecessary but kind. Had to have a selfie.

Mark showed me the hole in the wall where the kestrels had nested.

Before I thought about making terrariums I hadn’t had much interest in moss. Now it seems to be everywhere I go. On paths, roofs, you name it. This path was covered and then I went to collect some really small pieces of bun moss from a reachable roof.

The monks arrived a little after five and stopped for tea and cake before we set off for Mirfield. A long journey and a couple of detours from the route, we arrived nearly five hours later without a comfort break! I was shattered!  Quick drink and snack with Tina and off to bed! Different view this morning.
Nearly forgot to mention the funniest part of the journey to Mirfield. We kept passing signs flashing’ 60 Report of Cyclist’. After a while we actually spotted the the cyclist coming towards us on the hard shoulder.
Back to today, we didn’t have breakfast at Mirfield but stopped at a shopping outlet on the way. Took a few pics. Loved the Neon Sheep shop!

We came home for a while and were then off back to Hull to the hospital. We left in time to stop at Lidl for a shop and car charge. The test was done on time and quickly. We stopped at the garden centre on the way back and Tina managed to get some comfortable shoes. At the outlet earlier she had got some trousers and I got a lot of marzipan! Tina got me some flowers in Lidl.
 I am almost unpacked and have some washing on. I am very tired so won’t be doing Mach more tonight. Darren have gone to  York to meet up either friends and are staying over. I have a little friend on my lap!


  1. Well you’ve certainly been around and about lately. Lots of different views to wake up to and lots of different things to photograph. I really like the place you were staying. The pic of the statue in the alcove is lovely, and the one of the four sisters is spot on. It looks so natural and unposed. Definitely one to frame. The one of the five of you together is also a nice one that needs framing too. Nice to see one of Mark too. I’d heard so many things about him and he’s been so helpful to you while you were there. The bun moss should also make a nice terrarium to honour your visit there.
    A long old trip to Mirfield and without a loo break too! Not sure I could have managed that long. Not a bit surprised you were shattered by the time you got there.
    Your day today has been quite eventful too, but at least you’re home now and have your own bed to look forward to tonight.
    The first part of the procedure is done now, the Covid test, so you now have Monday to look forward too. It’s been a hectic couple of weeks and doesn’t look as though it’s over yet!
    Think you should have a quiet weekend and relax, but you won’t 😄

    1. Surprising how tiring travelling is, and new experiences for that matter, the way I feel at the moment the weekend won’t be too energetic!
