Monday 22 November 2021

Stop the Violence Day (if only)

That is a day that could do with a few more supporters. I won’t be holding my breath though!
The sky was looking interesting when I pulled the curtains back today, nice clouds, and there were later in the day too.
I had been going to send a couple of packages off after I had the dressing removed at the Wound Clinic, but got a phone call quite early saying the nurse had phoned in sick and there was no one to cover her. After a bit of discussion I have an appointment for tomorrow lunch time now. So I went down with the packages this morning and then walked  to the sea front. A really beautiful day today and not too cold when the sun was out.

Walking back I noticed that a tree had been cut down, not sure why as the base doesn’t look dead!
Darren and Tina did Stirling work in the garden this afternoon clearing leaves. I decided that I really must up my exercise so walked up to Freeport and came back on the bus. The first time I have managed my 10,000 steps in over a week! 
The truly awful nativity is being set up again, a smaller ‘stable’ I think as the number of characters reduces each year! It is even more naff when the carols are playing!
I went to see Sarah and David this evening, they are fine, doing lots of volunteering and getting involved.
Hopefully Tina and I will be off to collect the pottery we made weeks ago tomorrow, we will head off after my dressing has been removed.🀞
A couple of obscure words again.
Centoculated (adj.) : Having a hundred eyes.
Love that one!
Resfeber (n.): The sensation of anxious restlessness one feels before embarking on a journey, trip or vacation.


  1. With the riots and protests we’ve had lately I don’t think there’s much chance of that day gaining a lot of traction!
    Great skies, bath early morning and at the beach. It’s not been a bad day at all this way either. Lots of sun and some nice skies here for a change.
    Shame your appointment got cancelled, but hopefully it’ll go ahead tomorrow ok. I bet you’ll be glad to get the dressing off as it must itch like hell at times.
    The tree was probably cut down because it annoyed someone, maybe shaded the light for them! I hate it when the chop down trees for no reason, then they complain about global warming! Bet Darren and Tina considered getting a chain saw to those trees in the garden if they’ve spent hours collecting leaves today 😊
    A nice walk to Freeport is always good, specially if you don’t have to walk home. I remember the nativity from last year. It certainly has got smaller, but just as naff! Poor Joseph has lost his glow and baby Jesus looks like he’s been eating plutonium 😁 It can’t get much naffer, can it?
    Hope you manage to get the pottery, I’m looking forward to seeing it.
    I like centoculated too. Trying to think of something with one hundred eyes.
    I suffer with resfeber all the time!

  2. Not a bad day and I did get a bit more exercise. Feeling it’s my legs this evening but will try to keep up the activity a bit. Well, that’s now anyway.
    I do hope that the dressing is removed and that we are happy with our pottery.mpretty much forgotten what it was like now.
