Thursday 25 November 2021

Livening up!

I have spent some time today tidying and doing some household chores. I can do more with the hand now, it is itchy and more of the stitches are showing, but I have reasonable movement and can like things as long as they are not too heavy. I managed to get a couple of sacks along to the charity and collected my prescription at the chemist. A couple of the pots that I threw are big enough at the moment it take a couple of my plants, which is nice to put them to use for a while.

The three of us decided to have lunch together, we went to the Hornsea Garden Centre first but it was heaving so we ended up at the Floral Hall. We had very nice, freshly cooked lunches. I walked back so that I could get a bit of exercise and take pictures of the sea!

I went out again to post a couple of letters, and have done a few more chores, feeling like getting sorted and active again now.
Tina and Darren had gone to the cinema as it is Tina’s last day of her time off. Tina sent a picture of the reindeer lit up.

 Darren and I have got Carol and Sal coming to the house to cut our hair tomorrow, they have gone mobile at the moment but I wouldn’t be surprised if they take on another shop.
A couple of obscure words I think!
Stegophilist (n.) One who enjoys the practice of climbing up the outside of buildings.

Coakatively (adj.) In an insincere, affected, or artificial way.


  1. Hope you’re not going too mad with the work and lifting etc. I know you don’t like being idle, but you should take it easy.
    Nice that you’ve made use of some of the new pottery already. I do like that first one in particular. It has a lovely flowing shape and the decoration sets it off nicely.
    The sea doesn’t look too inviting today, unless you’re a mad surfboarder that is! It’s been pretty cold here today so I bet it’s been worse up there. They are forecasting very high winds on Saturday for most of the country but in particular up there for you. Might be good for a few sea shots, assuming you can stand up that is!
    The reindeer definitely looks better lit up than it did unlit.
    They’re a couple of good words. Never heard of either before. It’d be nice if I could remember some of them, but I never do ☹️

    1. It has been cold today but didn’t feel too bad in the sunshine.
      It is nice to be using a couple of the pots.
      Hornsea are hoping the weather won’t be too bad tomorrow as it is lights night, one of the biggest fund raisers of the year.
