Saturday 13 November 2021

Back to normal, nearly

I was very tired last night and felt quite achy this morning. Tina and Darren were away last night and I started the day getting washing done. Not going out at all over the weekend or on Monday before going to the hospital. I have uploaded a few photos from the camera that I took when I was away. No real need for explanation.

I did spend and hour or so in the front garden this morning, I put some of the plants in and hoed the main beds. I put a couple more foliage plants at the front of the bed that has a variety of other foliage plants in it.
There are a couple of ornamental cabbages in the front bed, I was surprised to see some tiny, presumably cabbage, caterpillars!
This afternoon I have made a start on marzipanning the Christmas cakes. It has made my wrists ache a bit.
I will hopefully get the rest of plants in tomorrow and the remaining cakes, mainly the over cooked ones, marzipaned. 
Have enjoyed Strictly.


  1. I see you’ve soon settled back into normal routines now you’re back. That garden will be the death of you one day! You really shouldn’t be doing it, specially with the problems you have with your knees and wrists. I think the church needs to employ a regular gardener to keep it tidy, or god needs to wave his magic finger over it occasionally! Either way it shouldn’t be your job.
    The cakes are looking good, but again a lot of work. Maybe next year instead of giving people a cake you should give them a recipe instead 😊
    Try to take it easy up to your operation on Monday, and fingers crossed it does the trick. You can then look forward to having the other one done.
    I enjoyed Strictly too.

  2. It is Amazing how quickly you settle back into routine, being away almost a distant memory! Just trying to sort things out as not sure how long I will be without a working right hand!
