Wednesday 17 November 2021

Where there’s a will there’s a way!

This morning I fancied having a shower so found a large elastic band and some bin liners. Was a bit awkward just using my left hand but I managed in the shower, hadn’t thought through the drying though but luckily I have a towelling robe which dried off the pieces. I couldn’t reach!
That is my hand in there, not just some random weird photograph!
Went to Beverley with Tina this morning, she had some banking to do and we got the car charging and then made our way to a cafe we had been to before and went back to try some of there speciality cheeses. They were very tasty, somewhere to take visitors for a different special treat.

If went to see Lesley this afternoon and we had a good long natter over a cuppa. Getting dark when I came home so a couple of rather blurry but still okay pics on the way back.

Took a picture of the moon with the camera when I got home.
The hand is feeling easier today, will take the large outer dressing off in the morning. Off to see Sarah and David for a while this evening, then back in time for the next episode of Shetland.


  1. There’s always a way to do things. Just takes a little thought, and a few plastic bags 😊 It worked though that’s the main thing.
    Nice to get out with Tina for a while, and I have to say that lunch looks delicious. Plus I wouldn’t mind keeping the cheeseboard either, it’s lovely. Nice day for getting out and about too. Looks like you had the sunshine the same as us. Make the most of it as I doubt it’ll be around for long.
    No chance to get bored today with the outings and visits. Before you know it you’ll be talking about having the other one done.
    Like the moon pic.
    Hope your evening visit went ok. I’m looking forward to Shetland tonight. Such a good series.

  2. Yes a good day and I didn’t mention the jigsaw I started last night, may try and put a few pieces in before Shetland.
