Wednesday 10 November 2021

Windsor and Eton

There were more carer and bell traumas last night but all forgotten and hopefully things will go smoothly tonight, ever the optimist!
I was going to walk up to Sainsbury’s and catch the bus into Maidenhead this morning but it didn’t take much arm twisting from Mark to accept the offer of being dropped off at Windsor and picked up at Eton! He dropped me a a hill leading up to the castle but the first thing that caught my eye was the bus stop!
Then of course the castle!

Passed this shop which amused me.

Went into this arcade which led to the station and an impressive train!
They do public loos differently in Windsor, these fabulous painted tiles were in the ladies.

I wandered to the riverside and it is obviously a favourite pastime to feed the swans.

The bridge in this photo is the one that leads into Eton.
Some pictures in the town.

I absolutely loved this sculpture, would have that in the garden any day!
Walking down by the river to the bridge I had to avoid the very tame swans who were trying to get my plastic bag!
Over the bridge and it was like entering another world.
From the bustle of Windsor to the sedate and quiet Eton. These pictures from the bridge.

I wandered a good way along and found a quiet cafe to have some lunch.

I didn’t walk far enough to get to the school so this is as near as I got to seeing Eton scholars!
I took these last two photos back on the bridge when I was waiting for Mark to come and collect me.

I really enjoyed my trip out, I had seen a book in an antique bookshop in Eton called ‘The Wicked Wit of Princess Margaret. The shop stunk of cigarette smoke but I went in and asked how much it was, when he said £22 I just said thank you and left. This evening I have found it on EBay for £2.19 with free postage!
I have had a relaxing afternoon and have got the case almost packed. I will be here all day tomorrow but need to be out of the room once I have had breakfast. I am hoping there will be no bell shenanigans this evening!


  1. What great trip out. Some really great photo opportunities. You have some great ones tonight. The tiles in the loo are my favourites. I think they look lovely. I want some in my bathroom. The bull sculpture is fantastic. Hours of work gone into that. It would definitely look good in your garden 😊Windsor looks very busy.
    The swans aren’t a bit shy! I suppose they assume everyone has a bag of food for them.
    Like you say, going over the bridge was like another world. Extremely quiet compared to Windsor. Shame there weren’t any oiks in tail suits for you to photograph though 😊
    £22 for a secondhand book. Just because it was in Eton I suppose. Good old eBay came through again though. Sounds like it should be interesting when you get it.
    🤞🏻Fingers crossed this evening isn’t a repeat of last night!
    You’re going to miss it all when you get home.

  2. I really did enjoy it, took my time so that the legs didn't complain too much. Nice to have been there when staying so near.
    Yes the tiles and the bull were fantastic.
