Sunday 21 November 2021

False Confession Day!

Haven’t been putting little gems from the Grandiloquent calendar for a while so thought I would check it out again. That is a weird day, will add a couple of obscure words at the end of the post.
I haven’t done a great deal today and haven’t been out at all. I have pottered around doing odd jobs, the hand is getting much easier but I still cannot lift any weight.
Darren and Tina got home soon after one so we watched the Grand Prix and were pleased to see Lewis win.
They had called in at IKEA on the way home and bought me a light up dragonfly!
Tina thought it looked like a possible new cat toy, she wasn’t far wrong, Pandora has shown some interest already.

Darren got a new chair which is already assembled and in use!

Results show for Strictly tonight, who will be saying goodbye this week?
Will find a couple of obscure words now.

Dight (adj.) or (v.)
adj: Dressed and ready to go about one’s business; prepared.
v: To get ready; to prepare.

Kickshaw (n.): A fancy little delicacy. A trinket, bauble or curio.


  1. That is a weird day. Who thinks these up? 😊
    Glad to hear the hand is getting easier. It’ll be back to normal before too much longer, then you can do it all again with the other one.
    The dragonfly is good. Definitely your sort of thing, and as you say Pandoras too from the looks of it. Hope she doesn’t run off with it.
    Darren’s new chair looks quite comfy. I have to say though that I couldn’t have that fire safety label hanging like that. It’d drive me nuts πŸ™„
    Strictly was good. Sad to see Tom go as I thought he was actually better than Reece. But what do I know? 😊
    Not heard of either of those words. Kickshaw seems really odd for it’s meaning.

    1. Hopefully this week I will get my activity levels up a bit, getting very lazy!
      The dragonfly being on a spring is very tempting for Pandora, suppose it looks a bit like a bird as well!
