Sunday 7 November 2021

Reasonable day, trying evening

This morning I went to the post box as one of the sisters wanted a letter posting. I had coffee with Sister Mary Philip and she told me about her life, she is now ninety and has been a nun for almost sixty years. She did spend six years in South Africa in her early days nun.
After lunch I sat quietly for a while as my left leg is still not happy. When I came out of my room I found this rose and note on the side which was really lovely.
I had a walk I the grounds and took some photos, had been going to sketch outside but decided to work from one of the photos inside,

The large wooden doors were open to let light through into the chapel. The second one is the orchard.

I sat in this old shelter for a bit and enjoyed the peaceful garden.
I sat and did a sketch when I came in and have given it to the sisters.
This evening I have been trying to unblock the toilet I use but haven’t got the right tools, the carers were late so sister asked me to get her washed and ready for bed. When we were almost done the phone went and the carers were outside the door, I hadn’t heard the bell because we were closed in the bathroom to keep it warm. They went and finished getting sister ready for bed. I waited downstairs for them to come down so that I could get the locking up etc done,
So, blog done and it will soon be time for me to get to bed. Have a couple of jobs lined up for me tomorrow, they are getting used to the extra pair of hands!


  1. Sounds like your talk/listen with the sister was good. I find it really interesting listening to people like that. Peoples life experiences are so different.
    It’s a pity your leg is giving you so much grief, specially while you are there. I hope you’ve taken pills regularly to lessen the pain a bit. The rose and the note outside the door is a lovely gesture. At least a good reason to smile for a while.
    The more I see of that place the more I like it. Those doors are lovely, specially the external pair. I’d love to live in a building with so much history. All the different areas and the nooks and crannies make it so unusual. The old shelter is great too and the view out of it is nice. Very quiet and relaxing I bet. Glad you managed to get another watercolour done. I bet they really liked it.
    The toilet is a bit of a nuisance. Maybe Mark has access to a plunger or something similar tomorrow. You certainly seem to be getting a good selection of jobs while you’re there. As you say the extra pair of hands are being put to use. You’ll be glad of a rest when you get home, but I think you’ll miss them all.
    Hope the jobs tomorrow don’t tie you up for too long. Maybe a bit of relaxation in the garden would be a good idea.

  2. The original building went up in the 13th century and there are some original walls in the building now. A fascinating place.
    One of the jobs tomorrow is helping a lady catalogue books and working out which are to be disposed of, so that should be interesting,
