Sunday 28 November 2021

First snow

It has been really cold all day today, the snow that greeted us this morning is still mostly there.

Darren and I did go to the boot sale/market. We were told the boot sale folk and arrived and departed, but it was the Christmas event for the market so we had been going to have a look anyway. I got some card blanks and Darren got some trainers, we had our sausage sandwiches and got thoroughly chilled! I haven’t warmed up all day. Although getting the dinner did help! Took a couple of shots while we were there.

A couple of days ago I hung the two butterflies I made at the glass class in the window with the plaque I bought a while ago. They look better in bright sunshine.
This afternoon I started the quilting on one of the place mats. I will use the green again for the other mat and then thread up the red for the berries.
I haven’t been very energetic this weekend, will try to get back to being a bit more active tomorrow.


  1. Definitely a winter wonderland up north. It’s been an average day here. Quite sunny with blue skies a lot of the time. Maybe we’ll get snow for Christmas.
    You regular car booters are a hardy lot! But if you want bargains I suppose you have to be prepared to go out all weathers. I was wimpy and stayed in all day.
    The butterflies look good. I really like the bottom one in particular. Nice colours.
    Glad to see you’ve done a bit more quilting. They look a more reasonable size to manage. They’ll look really nice when they’re finished. Knowing you that’ll be tomorrow 😊
    There are no laws to say you have to be active. You’re retired, you can do what the hell you like 😄

  2. My body knows I need to be more active, my mind needs a bit more convincing!

    Nice ti get the butterflies on display, still have the bee to find the right place for.

  3. You are a talent and thank you for the squashes xxx
