Thursday 18 November 2021

Mooning around!

Not such a good day today, I took the large bandage off this morning and my hand has been aching more today. Also got a bit of t umma trouble so want feeling on top form. But I had been dong a jigsaw and finished that off this morning.

It was an enjoyable one to do, may sort put another while I still can’t use the right hand too much.
When I was in Eton last week I saw a book about Princess Margaret in an antique book sh which was very over priced. Got it for a song on eBay and it arrived yesterday. I have read about half of it now and finding it very interesting. 
I ordered a new indoor plant earlier in the week which arrived today, it is a cordyline kiwi and I am hoping the leaves will get more colourful a it grows.

I decided to walk to the front, get some exercise and fresh air to see if it made me feel a bit brighter and to have pensioners fish and chips when I got there. Looking behind me it was an amazing sunset and there was pink ahead of me as well.

As I neared the sea it was obvious that today the moon was rising over the sea, so a real treat.

Walking back it was getting a bit dark for the phone  to cope, but will add this one anyway.
It managed a bit better with the war memorial.
Getting out did make me feel a lot better and I enjoyed my small helping of fish and chips by the sea!


  1. All things considered I’d be surprised if you were running around feeling 100% fit. Hopefully by the end of the weekend things should be starting to get easier. Glad to hear the trip out for fish and chips made you feel a bit better. Bracing British seaside air will cure most things 😊
    Nice puzzle. I bet all those colours in the sky and water made it a bugger to do!
    They were a load of rip off merchants in Eton last week. Even more so after talking to you earlier! Wow, she does look absolutely stunning in that cover picture.
    You got some lovely pics on your trip out this evening. Great colours in those skies, and the moonrise looks good too. Considering they were slow shutter speeds, hand held (with wonky hands), you didn’t do too bad at all.
    Hope tomorrow starts out a bit better without too many aches pains. Take it easy.

  2. Having great skies and rising moon when I went out made it even more worthwhile, glad I made the effort.
    Early days with the hand, I am sure the soreness will soon be gone.

  3. So pleased that this post has been viewed recently so I get to see it again.

  4. It does have some great pics.
