Friday 26 November 2021

Lights night and Christmas trees

Not a lot to report during the day today, Bell didn’t visit after all because she wasn’t feeling too well. I did more sorting including taking a huge bag full of ‘soft plastic’ to the coop who have a collection point. I did go down to the greenhouse and managed to decant some of the sacks of bird food. This afternoon I did do some cooking, nothing too ambitious, we had a build up of milk so I made a rice pudding and also an apple crumble.
Sal and Carol arrived as arranged and Darren and I both had much needed haircuts. Carol actually razored into mine at the back which she hasn’t done before, will be great when I have washed it.
Hope you are impressed with that selfie, I was amazed I got myself in shot!
I took a walk into the town tonight, made my way to the church first to see the Christmas trees.

Extensive work going on at the church.
It was heaving out in the town and the wind was bitter. Just a couple of pictures, and before the lights went on and no after.

Left the hand picture until last, the stitches are now becoming very visible and the wound is itching like crazy, which I am sure is good but I worry that I will scratch it unconsciously. So wrapped a loose bandage round it last night just in case!
Bad weather is supposed to be going to hit us overnight, so tomorrow may be an indoors day! Luckily they had the new Richard Osman book half price at The Works the other day and I am really enjoying it.


  1. Sounds like you’ve kept busy at least. Lots of cooking will please everyone in the house, specially when it’s sweet stuff 😊
    The hair looks ok. You did very well to take that pic yourself. I assumed Tina or Darren had taken it for you when I first saw it.
    The Christmas trees look good in the church again. I’m sure I got to see them once when I was visiting you, but I could be making that up and just remembering pics from another time.
    Good job they were turning on the lights tonight as it’ll probably be quite rough tomorrow. You could well be staying in with your book. But they don’t always get it right. Quite a good turn out for the event. Perfect for spreading Covid just before Christmas 😊😷
    The scar looks quite sore now. Hopefully the stitches will fall out sooner than later as the itching will drive you mad! At least you know what to expect when the other one is done.
    Take it easy.

  2. It was way too busy in the town, I didn't stay out there very long!
    The Christmas tree festival is always popular, lots of people going round the church.
    A book day will be good!

  3. Looks like you’re healing well Peterborough saw a very small bit of snow frozen water before it turned to rain 🌧

  4. I think we had had a flurry, snow in Hull.
