Tuesday 23 November 2021

Pottery collection day

I was having the dressing taken off just after midday and then Tina and I were heading off to Scarborough to collect the pottery we made at the class over a month ago. Tina had spotted some coats at Missy and I had a look when I went to post the packages yesterday. This morning I took a walk down to the shop to see what they were like and how much. I have never really had a proper length coat, but these were a modern style. Anyway, tried a couple of, much more reasonably priced that I had thought so came home with one!
Just looked at my photos and remembered that Pandora is back to making herself well comfortable on me, this was before I was dressed this morning.
The dressing removed easily and the wound has felt ultra sensitive since. Darren has given me a cotton glove that I can wear so that I don’t catch the stitches before they are ready to drop out!
We set off for Scarborough then, we had lunch at Sainsbury’s which wasn’t quite to their usual standard today. I bought the fondant icing for the cakes while we were there. Then we went to collect the pottery. It was all well wrapped so we didn’t actually see it until we were home but I will post the pictures now. Tina’s first, great job.
And mine, we are both delighted with the results.
We went to have a look at the north bay before heading for Lidl.

The charging points at Lidl were both in use so we didn’t stay and go inside the store, went and used the last of out duck food at the mere instead.

We had a drink and a scone at the Stained Glass Centre before heading home.
A pretty good day and great t get our pottery at last, the day had been a great gift from the family.


  1. The coat looks really nice on you. Looks very warm too. Should keep you cosy on your winter strolls down to the seafront. You certainly don’t need leg warmers while you’re at home as you have a real life one 😊 She does look comfy.
    The wound doesn’t look bad at all considering it’s only been a week. Not as much bruising as I’d expected either. You will have to be very careful you don’t catch those stitches on anything though. Might make you jump, and swear!
    The pots all look great. Considering neither of you had really used a wheel to throw pots before I think you did very well. You should use those with pride.
    The birds look happy to see you at the Mere. I don’t remember those fences being there like that when I was last there, which has been a while. Is it like that all the way around, or just at the entrance to stop children throwing themselves in head first? 😊
    Not a bad day at all. You got things done and got out for a while. Bet the scone tasted good too!

  2. The wound seems to be filling up now, not painful though so I will presume it is natural.
    It was a good day, seeing Scarborough briefly and collecting our pottery.

  3. Ouch but glad you are getting better with it all love the coat that looks like it will keep you roast toasty on your walks out xxx
