Saturday 27 November 2021

Seriously windy!

Really awful weather today so apart going to the shop for lunch I have stayed indoors. Pandora has been all over the place, wind and rain have sent her crazier than usual! After a while she curled up on one of my chairs and spent a lot of the day there!
Looking out of the window this morning I saw a large roofing sheet by Tina’s car. It came from one of the seating areas at Lucian’s. Lucian pulled it up the drive and Darren moved it onto the lawn.
It took off from there into the shop opposite and then to the parish hall! Another sheet was flapping but thankfully didn’t fly off. The original one did scratch Tina’s car.
I got the old sewing machine out and repaired one of my reusable bags. I bought some material a while ago with the idea of making place mats. I didn’t want to have to bind them so sandwiched the wadding and turned them out. I have to hand finish off one side on each and the I will do the quilting on the new machine.
That colour isn’t accurate, the material is silvery.
Hopefully the storm will have died down by tomorrow


  1. I think you definitely had the worst of the weather up there. We had some rain and a bit of wind, but not that much really. I didn’t go out at all though as it looked way too cold. Pandora looks warm and cosy in that chair.
    One roofing sheet is pretty good going considering some of the pics of damage I’ve seen. Shame Tina got he4 car scratched. Maybe a bit of T-Cut would polish it out.
    Seems a while since you’ve done any machining. They’ll look nice when you’ve quilted them. Any particular pattern in mind or will be a go with the flow theme?
    Don’t think there’s much chance of car booting tomorrow is there?

  2. It is the Christmas event at the market next to the car boot. We haven’t been to the market for months but maybe tomorrow.
    Holly quilting, I have red and green thread.
