Saturday 6 November 2021

Walking and sketching

A couple of photos of the chapel that I took yesterday evening, one without the light on and one with it on.

This morning I walked up to Sainsbury’s, not to shop but just to keep up the walking really. Did discover mother post box up there. But more delighted with this mileage marker!

A shot of the grounds because the tree is so lovely.
Before lunch I went out and did another sketch, it was chilly out there though!
Mark dropped me off a a garden centre about mile and a half away so that I could walk back, mind you, my knees, particularly the ‘mended’ one was not happy. A couple of photos from there, I bought some cards but no plants or bulbs!

Passed this fabulous old Tudor house on the way back.
Another shot of the river as I went by.
Loved the sign for the Pineapple Pub!
And spent a lot of time trying to catch a shot of a kestrel, didn’t take the camera with the super zoom again!

Was feeling pretty tired when I got back so have actually finished a book and have been assisting a nun this evening.


  1. I prefer the pic of the chapel in the natural light as I like the shadows. Looks a bit like a schoolroom with the light on 😊
    The mileage marker is great. You don’t see many of those around nowadays, specially with Roman numerals on. 24 miles to Hyde Park Corner, not too far to go.
    I love the pic with the red tree in it! The whole pic is just right. The little bit of pink finishes it off nicely. You’ve had some great pic while you’ve been there. You’ve got some great sketches too. It’s turning into a very artsy week.
    You’re doing a fair bit of walking too, and you’ve not got lost….yet 😊 I’m quite amazed you went to a garden centre and didn’t by any bulbs! That must be a first for a while.
    You’ll have to get out with the bigger camera. But you can pretty much bet the day you do that the wildlife will all be in hiding.
    Not surprised you’re feeling tired. You’ll need a week off when you get home 😊

  2. There are some nice walks nearby, I have been lucky to get lifts so only walking one way! Think I may give walking a rest tomorrow and let the legs settle down so they stop complaining!
