Wednesday 24 November 2021

Celebrate your Unique Talent Day

Quite a nice special day today, pity that my energy was flagging today so no celebrating any talents for me!
Just some general chores and pottering this morning and then he a lift to Beverley with Darren and Tina. We went to Flemingate and once the car was on charge went out separate ways. Darren and Tina were off to get lunch and then go to the cinema. I had a snack and looked in a couple of shops. This reindeer is ready to be lit up!
 I walked to the Minster and then on into the town centre.
I could feel that I was flagging and my non operated leg was really plying up. So I made my way through the town to the bus station and got the next available bus home. Haven’t done a great deal since I got back either!
Looking forward to Shetland later and hoping I will feel a little more energetic tomorrow.


  1. Don’t think I have any talents I could celebrate, and like you I’ve never got any energy these days to do anything anyway!
    Glad you got out for a little while at least. Beverly doesn’t look anywhere near as busy as it was on your last visit. Steer clear of weekends seems to be the right approach. What film did Darren and Tina go to see?
    The lonely reindeer seems a little lacking. Maybe it’ll spring into life once it’s lit up.
    Shame your leg gave you grief. You’re gradually getting your extremities working one by one. One day they might all work! You won’t know which way to run first 😊
    I’m looking forward to Shetland too. Shame it’s the last episode ☹️

    1. The way I am feeling tonight it’s not looking like an interesting post tomorrow. School report, must try harder!
      There are a lot of loose ends to get into a conclusion of Shetland tonight.
