Tuesday 1 June 2021

Sea fret and doing chores!

A bit of a panic first thing as I couldn’t find Pandora, which is unusual as she always comes to see me and has some breakfast. When I had fed the birds earlier I had fed Blue and let her out as usual. I wondered if Darren had let Pandora out when he left for work but I called at both doors and no response. Then she appeared at the top of the stairs. She was moving very slowly and struggled to get on a chair. I went to pick her up and she growled so just stroked her and watched her for a bit. 
She settled on a chair so I set off for the sea front as I had planned,. There was a sea fret which had cleared in the garden but was still very much in evidence over the sea.

When I got in Pandora was moving a little easier and di have something to eat. I was hoping she would be okay as Tina is away and Darren at work, but obviously if it was necessary would have got her to a vet somehow. I spent the rest of the morning getting washing done and doing household chores so was able to keep an eye on her. She wanted to be out and I kept popping in and out, as the day went on she seemed to be moving well and jumped up onto the wall by the back door where she sits when waiting to come in.
I made a sample fruit cake which turned out really well. The recipe had no eggs but the cake is really tasty.
I went to see Lesley for an hour this afternoon, we had a nice chat and a cuppa.
A few more chores this afternoon and after Darren came home, late today, I went out into the garden and planted some broccoli plants in the bed where I had put the courgettes, I also put a few flowers in another bed.
Today is Say Something Nice Day, we should all try to do that every day.
Lovely obscure word today!
Gaberlunzie (n.) A licensed, professional, wandering beggar; a vagabond, tatterdemalion or ragamuffin.


  1. It sounds like Pandora gave you quite a worrying time this morning. You could definitely do without that to start your day. Glad to hear she’s feeling better now though and you didn’t have to make a mad panic rush to the vets. I think having cats is worse than having kids! 😊
    It was good you made it to the front before the sea fret disappeared. It looks totally different in those pictures to how good it must have looked the past few mornings with all the nice weather we’ve had. I’m dreading the sun disappearing again and all the gloomy miserable days returning ☹️
    Your cake looks really nice. I’m sure Darren is more than happy to test it out for you. That won’t last very long!
    Quite a busy day for you one way or another. But lots of good things completed.
    I say something nice every day….in my imagination!
    Never heard of a Gaberlunzie, and didn’t actually know there was such a thing as a licensed, professional beggar. You learn something new every day.

  2. Yes, it wasn’t the best start to the day, but hopefully whatever it was has passed,
    I have been quite busy, so maybe I will sleep well and the hands behave!
    I think that was a great word, like you had never heard of it or the meaning before.
