Monday 31 May 2021

Gardening help and Wassand Hall gardens

Will write the blog early today as I will be visiting Sarah and David in a bit. This morning I went out and turned the bed with the fruit bushes in over again and levelled it off and then planted out the two courgette plants I got yesterday. Tina and Darren came out to remove some stumps from the bed behind the greenhouse.
In the end they cleared a good space of the layer of ground elder, that will make it easier for me to dig it over.
I took a photo of the very pretty small clematis on the patio.
I got dinner for one o’clock today then this afternoon Tina took me up to Wassand Hall to have a walk in the gardens. Will just post a selection of photos now.

It is a lovely place and a lovely afternoon but the wind was still pretty chilly. We bought a couple of plants so hopefully I will get then into the garden tomorrow. Tina is off to Mirfield this evening for a few days, it will do her good to be away from the parish for a break.


  1. Always good to have extra hands on the gardening. Looks like they’re doing a grand job too. Bet Darren can dig those big roots out quicker and easier than you can. Looks a nice little area for something to go in. A little veg patch maybe?
    Was sand Hall gardens looks very nice. Some great cacti. I was looking at one pic wondering why it looked as though there were fish amongst the plants. It finally dawned that you had slipped a pic in of a pond among the flower pics! The gardens also look very nice. You did pick a good day to go though as the sun brings out the colours nicely. I’m sure you’ll be going there again before too long.
    Hope Tina has a nice break, as you say it’ll do her good. It’ll also give you chance to spoil Darren 😊

    1. I will probably start digging that area over tomorrow.
      Wassand was lovely, hopefully Tina will take me there again, it isn’t open all the time. It is about three miles away so too far for me to get to on my own unless the bus stops near there,
      Tina has arrived safely.
