Tuesday 29 June 2021

Feeling weary!

For quite a lot of nights now the hands have ensured I don’t get a lot of sleep and I get up early! Today I think it was catching up with me and I actually went down to the reclining chair after I had fed the birds and had breakfast, and dozed on and off for a couple of hours!
I had a bath and just got my stuff gathered together for the trip to the neurophysiology department this afternoon. Tina was taking me in as I had to keep my hands, and I thought feet warm. We set off after lunch and we’re there a few minutes early but Tina found a parking place so I could sit with her for a while before going in. I was going to make my own way home as I had to go in alone and didn’t know how long the tests would be.
The tests were interesting as ai could watch the responses on the screen. The lovely young lady said that I had severe symptoms on both sides, symptoms to do with the nerves responses not being as they should be. In the end she only tested my hands and then I walked back into the city. A photo along Anlaby Road and one of men working on a building, then one of wall art which I think I have photographed before a good while ago.

I caught the bus home and was in before five. Haven’t done a great deal this evening, still pretty tired and the zapping has made my fingers quite sensitive and they are going numb again now.
Well done England, onward and upward!


  1. No, you’ve not had much decent sleep of late. A morning snooze in the recliner sounds quite pleasant though. I do it too often these days, so I know how nice it is 😊
    I really like that icon. I looks just like you.
    The tests at the hospital sound very interesting. It’s nice when you get someone who takes the time to explain what they’re doing. I really hope it helps the doc to decide on a course of action to alleviate some, or all of the hassle it’s giving you.
    I think you have put the mural on here before. It looks very familiar.
    I didn’t watch the match, but I’m sure it was exciting as they left it right until the end to score!

    1. It was interesting, some of the impulses made me jump a bit!
      I really did sleep for a while this morning so must have needed it.
      It is good to now that the pain is to be expected if the symptoms are severe.
