Thursday 24 June 2021

Fantastic Flemingate!

Today Tina suggested we go to the Flemingate shopping area on the outskirts of Beverley. Seemed like a really good idea and the bonus was cheap parking which included free charging for her car! The day was warm but overcast which suited us fine so that was a good start. I took this photo as we walked along to check out the shops and the minster was in the distance.
A man who saw me take the photo said what a great view and told up that we could get a better one from the top floor of the car park. We went there before we headed home.
We had a coffee and cake is Starbucks and this interesting wall was just outside the loos.
We went into a fantastic shop called Art and Soul, full of about a hundred displays by original artists. There were paintings, ceramics, cards, felting, glass, jewellery and lots of other clever and quirky things. We must have browsed for getting on for an hour! I got some great earrings, very sensible of course and a couple of badges from original drawings.
Even the sign in the window was clever.
We had a lovely lunch in a really nice restaurant and when Tina went to the loo she told me to take the camera! Soon found out why.
We went for a browse in Baytree Interiors and they had some great items and funny signs and everything was reduced. Tina got me this cute doorstop.
Everywhere we went the staff were lovely, a really nice trip out and then we went to the top of the car park before getting back to the car. A couple of pictures of the monster and one of St Mary’s in the distance.

When we got home we had a cuppa and then I walked down to the post office as I had a parcel to send off. I felt really tired so once I had dropped the parcel off thought I would go up to the sea and have an ice cream. A very long queue at Hucklebury’s so I walk along past the leisure centre to the kiosk there. Had a nice. Ice cream squat on the steps by the beach so a slightly different sea picture!
Took a picture of the ‘fox and Cubs’ plant in the front garden which was looking very bright.
A good day and now a quiet evening.


  1. Looks like you had a quite a pleasant trip out with Tina. Her days off usually prove quite nice for the pair of you. That place looks a bit like the outlet stores at Springfields in Spalding. The heart and soul shop sounds a perfect place for you, and judging by the very understated earrings you bought, I’d say you’ll definitely be going back there again!
    Love that loo wallpaper. I really could do with decorating my bathroom, it would look great with that wallpaper!
    I like the pig door wedge that Tina bought for you, very nice. Sounds like you had a really enjoyable time there. The chap was right about the picture from the top of the car park. Not a bad view at all.
    Another walk out of this evening too. Definitely a nice way to round off a nice day.

  2. A good day and a pleasant change from gardening!
    Not loads of shops but a couple of such interesting ones and a good place to eat as well. We will definitely be back for a Christmas shop trip but hopefully will go there again before that as well.
