Wednesday 23 June 2021

More garden activity

I have been along the road to the shop and an couple of times to post letters, but other than that I have spent a good amount of time in the garden again. Did sit on the swing seat for a while this afternoon with my book which was nice,
This morning I decided to tidy up the path that leads to the garden bin. It is a area that has never been properly dug or anything done with it. Trees and bushes hide a multitude of sins! The area by the composter was getting very overgrown and there was sticky weed, which I am allergic to as well as nettles and brambles.

Rob had mowed the lawns this morning so after lunch went round and trimmed the edges. I had to have a break before ai finished as my hands were really beginning to ache. Then I had my sit on the swing and read for a bit, after that I planted out a couple of hollyhocks and then started to tidy up the rockery.
Quite a lot of weed and that bush had to come out before it got any bigger. We have got one of those in another part of the garden. When we made the rockery I hadn’t given any thought as to how difficult it would be for me to maintain!
After tea I watered both the gardens which is quite a job in itself, took pictures of a couple of plants. Tina and I have never managed to grow hostas because of slugs and snails, the beds at the bottom of the garden are very dry so although we have snails and slugs in the walled garden we don’t see evidence of them near the summer house. So now, we don’t only have two hostas but one is producing flowers! Just buds at the moment but should open soon.

Not sure how big this flower will get and I am looking forward to it opening fully. I think it is a bit like a red hot poker but yellow!
So another fairly busy day and feeling quite weary.


  1. You have had a busy day. Glad to hear you did manage a bit of relaxation with your book. Bet it wasn’t long though! The rockery does look nice, and so much better than a set of unused steps. If you can’t reach it properly to keep it tidy you’ll have to pass that chore onto a younger member of the household with a full set of working limbs 😊
    Watering does sound the easiest gardening job. But on a garden the size you have it’s not so simple. Even if it’s all reachable by hose you still have to drag it about which isn’t the easiest of tasks.
    Not surprised you’re weary. It would be nice if being weary meant you got a good nights sleep, but I know it doesn’t. Maybe tonight will be different?

  2. One of our better ideas, getting rid of the stops and making a rockery. It is a real feature now,
    You never know, might sleep like a baby, ever the optimist!!
