Sunday 20 June 2021

Not too bright today

That applies to the weather and me! Have felt cold and tired so haven’t done a great deal. Did go to the boot sale with Darren, very few stalls there today, just the die hard regulars really. We had toasted sandwiches today for a change, very nice bread they had used. Darren got some dvds and I bought a very nice desk easel and an old Audrey Hepburn calendar for 50p. That was just for the calendar, the easel was a bit more!

Might try and do drawings of a couple of the images.
Last night I started one of the jigsaw we collected and I finished it this morning.
There are some pretty flowers opening in one of the old sinks by the back door. The buds are pretty anyway and there are some yellow ones forming as well.
Hoping to feel a bit brighter tomorrow, may catch the bus into Hull.


  1. It’s not been a nice day, and if you’ve been feeling less than 100% that doesn’t help either. Toasted sarnie and a couple of bargains should have helped a bit. You should definitely try to draw some of the Audrey photos. I know how much you like her, so you’ll enjoy that.
    Very British jigsaw! It’s got a bit of everything in that.
    I hope you get a reasonable night and go for your trip tomorrow. It’ll do you good to get away for a while, and maybe a bit of retail therapy 😊

  2. I have just felt like lazing about today, I am usually keen to meet my Fitbit targets!
    Still a bit cold and tired, hopefully tomorrow will bring a change!
