Wednesday 2 June 2021

Very different early morning sea!

I left home before 7 am this morning as I had to be back by eight as Rob was coming to mow the lawns. The cafe wasn’t open so I actually had a longer walk without a break than I have done in a while. I will take a drink with me another time. No fret today so a very different set of seascapes.

My day has been household chores based again so not a lot of interest there. Rob mowed the lawn and then went off into the garden to find something else to do. After a while I went to see what he was doing and how he was getting on. He was clearing the ivy from the stone wall and part of it has collapsed leaving easy access to our garden! He tried to disguise it with lots of branches the other side!
I came indoors and phoned Paul who is going t be doing the repair work on the wall. He said he would call round later in the afternoon, about 3 pm. The doorbell went, it was Rob who asked me if ai had a mobile phone. When I said yes he asked if I would come down the garden and ring his number as he had dropped it amongst all the ivy and rubble. He found it okay and then was soon off home.
I prepared tea and go a crumble ready as I was cooking for Darren and myself as Tina is away. At three thirty Paul hadn’t arrived so I thought I would start pulling some of the jungle from the gravel path while I waited for him.
It was well after four when Paul arrived and I had pulled quite a lot out, but it is still pretty awful!
Paul had a look at the wall, it was a bit late to do anything today but he has said he will get some panels and actually put them up tomorrow no get the work started. The first part of the job was putting panels on the park side of the wall as in some places the wall is quite low.
After dinner I went and watered the bonsai trees and then had a bath, not a lot else planned tonight.
Today is I Love My Dentist Day, don’t think many people will go with that one!
Will add an obscure word as well.
Wight (n.) A spirit, ghost, or other supernatural being.


  1. Amazing the difference a day makes, as they say. The shoreline looks so different to yesterday, and hardly anyone else around at that time of the morning either. A flask is a definite necessity.
    Household chores on a lovely day like today. You should have been out enjoying yourself, or at least sunning yourself in the garden. Maybe leaving the ivy on the wall would have been a good idea, but unfortunately some have no idea and are heavy handed, specially when they don’t have to put their wrongs right! Luckily you have Paul to sort it out, so you can breathe easy knowing he’ll do a good job of it. Seems you did a fair bit of weeding while waiting. You could have just sat and relaxed on the bench 😊
    Bet the crumble was nice. I’ve not had one for quite a while. May have to make one I think.
    You’ll be lucky if you can find a dentist these days, let alone love one!
    Another new word for me. I’m sure I’ll never remember them though.

  2. Certainly having my share of excitement while Tina is away what with cats and walls!
    It was quiet at the seafront this morning, not even a crowd round the cafe as it wasn’t open!
    The gravel driveway is getting pretty bad all the way round!
    I won’t remember the words or special days, but they are interesting,
