Friday 4 June 2021

Hug Your Cat Day!

Not sure what Pandora would think about being hugged, not a lot I suspect! Blue would definitely meow the house down!
I had a package to get sent off today so took a walk to the seafront a little later so that I could call in at the post office on the way back. I took a slight detour so took some photos at a different piece of the beach. A very interesting sky today, well the clouds really.

Most of the day today has been taking up with getting endless boxes out of the spare room and then getting them downstairs as tomorrow is the day of the ‘boot sale’ but in different gardens throughout the town. Sal and Carol are setting up in out garden as well. I got the pasting table out of the store a dusted it down and this evening I am sorting the money float and making some signs.
I was going to do a bit of weeding in the flower beds in the front but ended up pulling some weeds from the gavel drive. It really is getting bad, I have always said I wouldn’t do it as I cannot kneel, but I weakened today and removed a fair bit.
I watered the back garden this evening as the hoped for rain didn’t arrive.
Will add a bit of interest with an obscure word.
Condign (adj.): Fitting and deserved. Pertaining to punishment, proportionate to the crime.


  1. My old cat would have ripped your flesh off 😊🐈‍⬛
    Wow, they really are funky clouds! You get so many different scenes considering it’s just one place. You’ll never get bored going there.
    I do hope the weather stays fine for the sale tomorrow, and that you both do well. Hopefully you’ll get loads of passers by popping in for a rummage. Maybe if you could persuade each customer to pull a weed out the drive while they’re there, you could get it all sorted 😊
    Good word. It would be like saying “the man was hung in the tree by the ankles until he repented for knocking the wall down” 😄

    1. Don’t think cats generally are the hugging sort!
      The clouds were great today, blue skies are lovely but clouds are far more interesting,
      About sorted for the morning, so hoping for no rain and lots of people!
