Tuesday 8 June 2021

The triffids are everywhere!

I have loved these signs since the children were small, never seen one by a beach before though!
The triffids/giant sea kale are getting bigger by the day in the front garden.
I left for a walk at 7.15 am and it was already hot so guessed the day would be a scorcher. I walk towards the boat station so that I could take pictures of some of the paintings on the wall, took a fair few in the end.

Some pics of the sea.

I think the people in the sea are life guards getting some practice in.
On the way home I saw this beautiful poppy in the memorial garden.
Talking of flowers a foxglove has opened in the front garden.
I hadn’t intended doing any gardening because of the heat, then thought I would use the strimmer but it was almost out of charge, so that is charging so that I can use it next time. Then I noticed how overgrown the path by the wall had become so ai did end up working for a bit.

It was a pretty speedy clearance and is now a bit easier to get along.

Some of the flowers in the tubs, which looked so nice have died through the heat and lack of water! Tina drove me up the Randa garden centre and we got a selection of plants, forgot to take a picture, maybe tomorrow.
This evening I sewed a small design on the machine. I used different colours and it was a bit confusing staying on the right lines. The sparkly material didn’t help either. It measures about 6cm across.


  1. I used to like the Heavy Plant Crossing signs. I always had the kids looking for giant tulips 😊
    There are some great paintings there. I like the three fishermen myself. They do seem to do a lot of stuff like that up there. They just drop litter around here as artwork!
    I like your photo with the tyre tracks in too. Quite funky. Bet it was very cold in that water. Doesn’t matter how much the sun shines!
    That is a great poppy. Looks almost unreal. You’ll have to go back later and grab some seeds 😊 The foxgloves look great too. You’ve captured some very colourful stuff today.
    Once you found out the battery was flat on the strimmer you should have taken the opportunity to give up for the day! Hope you didn’t lean to hard on that wall while you were weeding 😊 It does look better though I have to admit. Have you ever had any hedgehogs in that house?
    I’m not surprised you’ve had some flower casualties in this hot weather. It’s not easy to keep everything watered all the time. A good excuse to go shopping though.
    I think the sewing looks ok. Definitely in the front of a Christmas card I think. It would be a lot easier to sew if you made them about a foot across, cost you a fortune in stamps though if you used them for cards 😄

  2. Quite a full day in the end, I have been meaning to get along and take pictures of the paintings for some time, I like the fishermen too. They have not been vandalised either, which is impressive.
    The heavy plant signs are great, always make me smile.
