Sunday 27 June 2021

Gardening instead of boot sale!

This morning I went out into the garden to carry on with the he bed that I started yesterday. It was harder going as the t layer hadn’t been removed.
I worked for a couple of hours with a break in between. The roots from the first batch were impressive!
I just did the first turn over and will do another dig when I have done more weeding round the beds!
These toadstools were growing in another bed.

I took my book out and sat on the swing for a while after I had cleared away the tools, my little shadow was soon with me!

This blackbird had been sunbathing but I didn’t get the phone ready quickly enough. We often see the blackbirds stretched out on the lawn, which is a bit worrying!
I was watering the back garden when Tina and Darren got home so had a cuppa with them before watering the front garden. A lovely iris has appeared in the uncultivated area under the trees.
Some of the foxgloves have grown ridiculously tall this year.
There are more foxgloves fighting with the giant sea kale.
Not to be out done this is one of the beds in the front garden.
I went down to the leisure centre with Tina as she wanted to get the car charged, we had a short walk on the front and then came home via Cliff Road and the park.
On Cliff Road we saw the amazing tree, so beautiful with the dark leaves.

Watching a Marple now.


  1. You have been a busy bee today. Glad you didn’t go too mad and do too much gardening. The toadstools always look good in a pic. They make great subjects.
    Looks like Pandora was happy for you to have a bit of a rest on the swing
    You certainly have a lot of colourful flowers in the garden. The foxgloves are really putting on a display of colour.
    Well that’s the end of having the house to yourself for a little while. Monday tomorrow and back to your normal routines.

  2. Just given myself another area to keep weeding!
    The garden is looking good this year.
    Pandora is getting quite a lap girl.
