Monday 7 June 2021

Not so lazy!

I walked to the sea this morning, went to the part with the boulders first.

I walked along the lower path and took pictures, there was work being done.

There were people camping on the far beach.
I liked the pattern of the dark stones on this one.

A couple of the sky as I was having a cuppa.

When I was home I spent an hour or so on household chores and the took the weeds I had pulled up yesterday to the garden bin and did a bit more weeding in that area.
Went out with Carol this afternoon, we went to Hull, did a bit of shopping and had a couple of coffees. Called in at the garden centre at Skirlaugh on the way home.
The plant I photographed yesterday has shed its skin.
One of my bonsai trees is now really like a miniature tree, I am so pleased with it.
Will finish with a picture of the jigsaw I bought yesterday. Thought it was quite unusual.


  1. It always looks nice down on that beach regardless of the weather. I hope the tide doesn’t come in as far as the tent is! That could definitely be a rude awakening.
    Love the ones you took of the sky while having your cuppa, the first one in particular. They are really good. I know I keep saying it, but it’s a great way to start the day. Although it might be a little different when it’s heaving it down with rain or snowing I suppose!
    Glad you managed to get out for a ride in between your household and garden duties! Shopping and coffee is always good, specially if accompanied with a good batter.
    That plant soon shed it skin. Should look even better once it opens fully. The bonsai looks good too. You’ve kept them going for years, so it’s nice they’re finally getting into shape. I definitely wouldn’t have the patience. I’d buy one ready grown and shaped 😊
    Nice jigsaw. You’ll have it all done in an hour or so with all the practice you’ve had with them.
    Quite a nice day I think.

  2. I was quite tired this morning but in the end it did turn out to be a nice day
    Really pleased I could the photo yesterday of the plant skin still in tact. Will take another one when the flowers open.
    I liked the sky pictures, but I love clouds.
